Monday, December 05, 2011

Outfit #001 - Menstuff Hunt November 2011 gift #03 - Subversion's Houndstooth outfit

This is a wonderful example of the owner of Subversion's talent. And completely free if you do (or did) the Menstuff Hunt. Which I'm glad I did. Being skint a lot of the time (too much shopping!), hunts are a good source of good clothes. It's good advertisement too, because you're most likely inclined to go visit the shop afterwards, to have a good look. If you're like me you'll also be spending money there... if you're not skint. :p Thanks Prynce!

Subversion SLurl

Complete outfit, except shape, skin, ears and shoes made by Subversion.
Skin by Artie Renoir, shape by Ritsuka Omizu (me!)

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